A Copwatch video went viral when it depicted Oakland Police Officer Fred Shavies in plain clothes with demonstrators at Occupy Oakland (bit.ly/shavies). Shavies speaks about infiltration, the Occupy movement, activism, and his allegiance to the 99%.
Watch how the biggest taxpayer rip-off of human history happened right under our noses.
Director's Statement
Generations of American taxpayers have bailed out today's big banks to the tune of $12 trillion (New York Times, July 2011). That is $83,000 p American taxpayer, plus interest. Still today, the big banks gamble with government (taxpayer) backing - a 'heads I win, tails you lose' scenario. This absurd scenario obliterates any notion of a true free-market society, we are slowly being reduced to a feudal society: where a small group of individuals, behind closed doors, shape our common economic future, and there is nothing we can do about it. This film explores how this all came to be over the last 3 years.